Get involved!
“[…] I can be an agent of change. I can clean the ocean. I can also pick up beach trash. […] There are many ways to save the ocean but the most important thing is that we need to act together.”
(Read more here (Vietnamese):
Such a wonderful idea, isn’t it?
The extract above is from an essay of Pham Dinh Dat – 3rd grade student from Olympia primary school, Vietnam has been achieved top 10% of the TSL 2018 International Schools Essay Competition and Debate’s finalists. The competition is hosted by Trust for Sustainable Living (TSL) and United Nations (UN) annually in United Kingdom. Global essay competition and debate invites school children to explore practical ways to conserve and sustainably use our oceans, seas and marine resources. The annual TSL essay competition and debate is aimed at primary students (ages 7-11) and secondary students (ages 11-17), supported by Teacher Champions, parents and schools.
You can look for more information about the competition as well as others essays about saving the ocean by the below link:
Dat has been ready to be an agent of change! How about you? What have you done so far to save the ocean? What can we do to reduce ocean pollution? Let's find out!